Monday, February 5, 2007

Making Money Online

Want to make extra money from your very own home? Google Adsense just might be for you. Google Adsense is an out growth of the google content targeted advertising program that was first launched in early March of 2003. Google Adsense is perhaps the fastest and easiest way to generate revenue from a website that contains great content. If you have a website or a blog, you are already half way there. You must have a website or a blog and have very good content and I stress GOOD CONTENT. Once you have this you follow the simple sign up steps for Google Adsense.
It usually takes about 48 hours to get approved. They just visit you site or blog to determine if you qualify or not. Once you are approved Google Adsense will walk you through, step by step of instructions. You will recieve a coupon code, that you will copy and paste on your site. It's really that easy. Adsense will then deliver relevent text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. For example if your site is on gardening then you will probably get ads for gardening and about gardening. Basically you place Google Adsence ads on your site or blog and for every ad clicked you receive money.
Google uses it's advanced proprietary technology and algorithms to determine the content of each of your sites or blogs. It then delivers ads that are contextually relevant to your audience.
The key to making good money through adsense is your content and the amount of traffic you receive. This is not easy money, I do not want to trick you into thinking it is. In order for Google Adsense to work you have to work hard on your site. It takes time and effort. You may have to experiment and see what works for you. Here are some facts I came across while researching Google Adsense.

Fact #1 Kids in highschool are making thousands of dollars every month with adsense.

Fact #2 Housewives, retiree's, Moms and Dads have been able to create a full time income using Google Adsense.

It really is that easy once you have established good content and have alot of traffic to your site. You can even track your earnings with Google's online reports. I have researched many people in the adsense program who started out making cents a day and are now making hundreds of dollars a day, just from Google Adsense alone. Can you believe that it is totally free to sign up. No risk involved. Once your account reaches $100, they send you a check in the mail.
As Google states in their website:
"We go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the context and content of web pages. Based on algorithm that includes such factors as keyword analysis word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web. We know what the page is about and precisely match google ads to each page."

Important things to think about with Google Adsense:

*Easy and FREE to join and implement.

*No chasing of advertisers to place ads on your website.

*Ongoing advertisers that will never run dry.

*Ads that automatically adjust for each page's content.

*The Google name could very well enhance your credibilty because you've been accepted as a Google partner.

If you want to make extra money or earn a full time income from home, try Google Adsense. It just might be right for you.


Blogger livmic said...

Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comments! Good Luck!

February 6, 2007 at 6:51 AM  

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